We will be closed from January 29th to February 4th for the Chinese New Year holidays.

'Here I am. Pay attention to me. See me."


While Japanese celebrities have been changing their hair color as far back as the 1960s to emulate manga and anime characters, it was only a couple of years ago, on the heels of the ombré trend, that Trimmings Salon & Spa began to see a spike in Asian clients looking to go full platinum.

When Asians bleach their hair, they may not have in mind Katy Perry, but rather Asian celebrities such as Moga Mogami or Hyo-yeon Kim. There is a lot of hybridity and playfulness with hair colors and styles.

Ms. Megan Lee, a client of Trimmings was going through a major moment in her life and wanted a drastic change.

"I just wanted to shake up my look"

Ms. Lee said she has noticed more head-swiveling stares and it gives her more confidence to be more experimental of her personal style. Another client JJ , a stylist and model, credits her six-month-old icy blond hair as the reason she is landing more modeling jobs.

While it's easy to write this off as a beauty trend, this growing community points to stirrings of change on a much larger scale, like the freedom of expression feels right in line with the values of millennials and Gen Z-ers who prioritize experiences and authenticity above everything else.

'Here I am. Pay attention to me. See me."